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+91 4366 260300

Our Location

Manjakkudi, Tamil Nadu

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Our Supporters

Our mission to create a rural integrated programme in Manjakkudi has been enabled by the generous support of our long-term partners. Their contributions are invaluable in helping us sow the seeds for a better tomorrow.

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  1. All forms of content, data and images on this website are the sole property of Swami Dayananda Educational Trust (SDET) India and may not be reproduced, redistributed, copied or modified without express written permission from the Chairperson & Managing Trustee (or designated signatory) of the organisation.
  2. Use of any content, data or images found in SDET’s website or framing or including any of the materials contained within without prior written permission is strictly prohibited and will be liable for legal action. All decisions with regard to sanction of use of content, data and images from the SDET website rests solely with the organisation and previously accorded permissions may may be revised or rescinded as required without prior notice.
  3. While SDET makes every effort to provide accurate information, the content provided on the website is “as is” and SDET makes no claims or warranties regarding the content on the website. SDET will not in any way be held responsible for any damages or loss arising out of the use of the information on the website.
  4. Any and all links to external sites present in SDET’s website is made only for reference or for purposes of explanatory information. SDET is not responsible for the privacy policies, practices or content of any external websites.
  5. By using this website and sharing your details with us through registering for events, registering on the website, by making a donation, enquiring about volunteering or sponsoring any of SDET’s projects or showing interest in sponsorships, you also agree to receive communication from us in the form of emails, text messages, WhatsApp messages, media content (videos or sound bites), letters and phone calls. The communications that you receive will pertain to updates about SDET’s projects and works, payment details / queries and information / letters from the sponsored part of the project. Your agreement indicates that the same shall not be deemed to be a violation of applicable communication regulations.