SASTRA has committed itself to establish a Science Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) lab facility in 10 schools at a cost of Rs. 5 lakh each. Swami Dayananda Matric Higher Secondary School is one such institution where this facility has been set up. As part of the upgradation process, the school recently received a virtual reality kit with few pre loaded content. The kit was handed to the school principal, Ms Padma Raghunathan at a function held at Sastra University on World Creativity and Innovation Day (21st April 2022).
The STEM lab at the school has been sponsored by Sastra University with Propeller Technologies providing the technical support.
Selected students from classes 6 to 12 recently participated in the first and second level of the training session at the STEM lab. The main goal is facilitation with DIY (Do-It-Yourself) kits on robotics, IoT (Internet of Things), 3D printing, AI (artificial intelligence) and drones.
“STEM is an important learning tool in the 21st century. It enables students to improve their critical thinking, creativity, problem solving and programming skills. This is a flagship programme of our institution,” Ms. Padma Raghunathan said.
The STEM lab has been set up with an overall mission to strengthen science and technology-based learning at the school level by providing exposure to basic programming and tech know how from early on in life. Students who are exposed to this laboratory way of learning are expected to resolve real time issues and thus make significant contributions to society and those around them in due course of time.