An interesting and informative session the ‘Role of Micro Forests in Eco Landscaping and Boosting Biodiversity’ was held at GR Auditorium, Manjakkudi on 30th April 2022.
Dr. N. Ganesh Babu, Head, Centre for Herbal Gardens, University of Trans-disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology (FRLHT) Bengaluru was the Chief Guest on this occasion. His talk focused on the importance of planting native herbs, shrubs and trees around our environment. Dr.Ganesh dwelt on bio-war and how planting of unwanted flora and usage of insecticides can end up destroying our natural resources and vegetation.
At the end of the session, Dr. Ganesh was inundated with questions from the audience that ranged from use of fertilisers for plantation and planting of herbs and shrubs at home. He answered all questions patiently and effectively.
One of the projects managed by the Swami Dayananda Educational Trust (SDET) at Manjakkudi is a micro forest and herb garden. The goal of this programme is retention of the native flora in Manjakkudi. Spread over four acres and located behind the G.R. Auditorium, this green landscape is home to over 1,669 plant varieties.
The herbal plants grown here are extensively used for home remedies and ayurvedic medicines. Plants like Tulasi and Kalpuravalli are extensively used in Ayurvedic treatments.