A training session for UPSC (Union Public Service Commission) aspirants was conducted at the Swami Dayananda College premises on 23rd and 24th December 2021. This training seminar was conducted by Sri.T.K. Srinath, a prominent trainer from Inficap Consulting, Bangalore.

The programme was inaugurated by the college correspondent, Sri. M.G. Srinivasan. Present on the occasion were  Sri. G. Dharmarajan, Trustee, SDET and Dr. V. Hema, principal, Swami Dayananda College of Arts & Science, Manjakkudi, Tamil Nadu.

As part of the training module, the expert gave a bigger picture of how to prepare for the civil services examination to the students.  Sri. T.K. Srinath also gave a simple task of notes making to the student groups to check their ability of grasping content in the newspaper and connecting to the topic.

On the second day, Sri. T.K. Srinath conducted a review session and explained to the students the strategy behind  the long preparation for civil services. This workshop saw participation of 200 students from the college. A few students and faculty from the Swami Dayananda Matric Higher Secondary School, Manjakkudi, Tamil Nadu, also participated in this event.

This programme was coordinated by placement officer, Sr.R. Lakshmi Narayanan, at the college and other faculty members.